Adenoidectomy or Surgery of Adenoid Tissue require immediate postoperative care this Immediate general care includes the patient to be kept in lateral position until he is fully conscious and recovered form anesthesia patient can be observed for bleeding form nose or mouth and for vital signs including pulse, respiration, blood pressure and temperature are checked at regular interval. Oral hygiene should be maintained, patient is given salt water gargles 3-4 times. a day. A mouth wash with plain water after every feed keep the mouth clean. Take care of diet.
When patient is fully recovered he is permitted to take liquid, e.g. cold milk or ice cream sucking of ice cubes gives relief form pain. Diet is gradually built from soft to solid food, they may use custard jelly, soft boiled eggs or slice of bread soaked in milk on the 2nd day. Plenty of fluids should be taken. Analgesics. Pain, locally in the throat can be relieved by analgesics like paracetamol, Antibiotics, A suitable antibiotics can be given orally or by injection for a week. Patient is discharged from hospital on the same evening.
Every Operation has some contraindication so in adenoidectomy the contraindication are Cleft palate because in that case removal of adenoid may cause velopharyngeal insufficiency, Haemorrhagic diathesis, Acute upper respiratory tract infection.
Hemorrhage, usually seen in immediate post operative period. Nose and mouth may be full of blood or the only indication may be vomits of dark colored blood which the patient had been swallowing gradually in post opetive period, Treatment is postnasal packing under general anesthesia is often required.
Palatal injury may occur which leads to fibrosis and scarring and as a result velopharyngeal insufficiency may occur.
Injury to oral cavity & pharynr: Damage to the structures in mouth and pharynx may occur including lips, gums, teeth, tongue, palate etc. Excessive opening the mouth may cause dislocation of the temporomandibular joint, injury to vertebrae and preverteberal muscles may occur. Care should be taken when operating patients of Down’s syndrome as 10- 20%of them have atlanto axial instability. Nasopharyngeal stenosis due to scarring.
lnjury to eustasian tube may occur during surgery leading to scarring and stenosis of the tube, this may lead to recurrent otitis media.
Complications of general anesthesia may include cardiac arrest and aspiration of blood of mucous leading to lung abscess, pneumonia and atelecrasis. Recurrence may occur, due to re-growth of adenoid tissue left behind.